We must EXPLORE to see where God is working and join Him in the work. We EXPLORE through seeking the Lord in prayer, spending time in God's Word, sensing the leading of the Holy Spirit, and intentionally seeking to see God at work.
We must seek to meet the physical and emotional NEEDS of people for the purpose of demonstrating genuine love so that we may share with them the message of Jesus to meet their spiritual need.
We must desire to share the GOSPEL in all that we say and do. The GOSPEL must be the message ultimately declared because salvation is in no one else but Jesus. When we remain GOSPEL-focused, we remain kingdom-focused.
God has formed the church as the Body of Christ and has provided each believer with talents and gifts. As the Body we must ASSIST one another in the ministry and encourage the use of the gifts and talents of each part of the Body.
We must strive for spiritual GROWTH as followers of Jesus Christ. We must offer opportunities for GROWTH and encourage consistent GROWTH in the lives of believers.
We must seek to participate in the practice of EVANGELISM. The Lord calls all believers to be His witnesses and as a church, we must seek to be on the mission of reaching those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.